Marilynne Morshead Terminal 2 December 2012 - February 2013 1 of 12 2 of 12 3 of 12 4 of 12 5 of 12 6 of 12 7 of 12 8 of 12 9 of 12 10 of 12 11 of 12 12 of 12 Previous Next Orbs, San Francisco, California 2008 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.001 Serenity, Los Angeles, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.002 Burst, Barcelona, Spain 2008 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.003 Flight, San Francisco, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.004 Flux, San Francisco, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.005 Flow, San Francisco, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.006 Anemone, San Francisco, California 2008 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.007 Serpentine, San Francisco, California 2008 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.008 Empathy, Santa Fe, New Mexico 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.009 Array, San Francisco, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.010 Sail, San Francisco, California 2008 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.011 Harlequin, San Francisco, California 2009 Marilynne Morshead black-and-white photograph Courtesy of the artist L2012.3201.012