Introducing the Air Strip advertisement 1966 Mary Wells for Jack Tinker Associates paper, ink Braniff Airways Foundation L2017.2201.005
Ever since I became the first lady jockey advertisement 1969 Lois, Holland, Callaway paper, ink Braniff Airways Foundation L2017.2201.020
Andy Warhol and Sonny Liston fly on Braniff advertisement 1969 Lois, Holland, Callaway paper, ink Braniff Airways Foundation L2017.2201.042
Braniff International Boeing 747 model aircraft 1970s plastic SFO Museum Gift of Thomas G. Dragges 1999.061.061a L2017.2203.001
Who but Braniff? Where but South America? advertisement 1973 Dillon, Gordon, Hawkey & Shortt paper, ink Braniff Airways Foundation L2017.2201.027
Braniff International Flying Colors of South America DC-8-62 model aircraft 1970s Douglas Aircraft and Airborne Replicas metal, paint Fred Cox Collection L2017.2202.001