Outside Terminals
Grand Hyatt, Level 2

Psychscape 73 (Downs, Mount, CA) & Psychscape 18 (Banner Ridge, CA) 2017
Terri Loewenthal
Archival pigment prints
H56 in. x W42 in. and H40 in. x W30 in.
SFAC 164, 165

In her Psychscapes, Terri Loewenthal draws upon the history of California landscape photography, reimagining the genre in a psychedelic light. She captures each image as a single exposure using her unique in-camera process. Her technique shifts colors into oversaturated hues of purples, blues and yellows and overlaps multiple vantage points, offering the viewer a revelatory experience of the Eastern Sierra landscape. By creating images that are “familiar but otherworldly,” Loewenthal presents a vision of the natural world that extends beyond its economic and recreational value, illuminating possibilities of spiritual connection and transcendence.